
Worship is an encounter with God in community through which we begin to be opened, transformed and healed.

Worship Schedule

The Church is currently offering two Sunday service at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.

We also offer a Holy Eucharist on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. with an optional small Bible Study to follow. 

All are welcome.

The church office hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.  If you would like to leave a message your call will be returned.

Eucharist and Love

What Is Worship?

At St. John’s we are blessed with one of the most diverse communities in the GTA. When we come together we celebrate not just that diversity, but how God makes us one in the body of Christ.

We gather on Sunday’s at 8 and 10am to celebrate the Eucharist, a Greek word that means “thanksgiving.” During our time together we experience our faith in Word and Sacrament. Passages from the Bible are read and reflected on in the sermon. We then pray, offering our cares and concerns to God and ask that our lives may be transformed through God’s will. Through prayer we discover how we have fallen short of all that God intends us to be, so we confess and seek God’s mercy and grace to inspire change in us. We then celebrate the Eucharist itself, the ritual sharing of bread and wine.

We believe that this gesture is sacramental, “an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.” For us, this means that Jesus is somehow present to us in this ritual act, not by “magic,” but through the mystery of God’s revealing himself in a unique way when we partake of this sacred meal of bread and wine. Anglicans believe that this act of receiving is central to our life in faith.

Our worship reaches its climax in communion itself, when we come forward to share the bread and wine. This is the enactment of a two thousand year old ritual, instituted by Jesus, through which we are reminded of these core elements of our spiritual tradition: a table to which all people are invited and welcomed reminds us to be more open ourselves.

Jesus’ life lived for and on behalf of others inspires us to see our own lives as a gift to be shared; and the resurrection affirms the counter-intuitive wisdom that it is in letting go of what we are afraid to lose that we are transformed and made new.

After sharing Eucharist, our service concludes in song and we gather in the parish hall to share fellowship and refreshments, to welcome those who are new and to share our lives with our members whom we know and love. As with the Eucharist, it is a sacred time and place where all are welcome.